On this day back in 1955 the 27th Annual Academy Awards took place ........
Wikipedia.org Article for the 27th Annual Academy Awards:
And the winner for Best Picture at the 1955 Oscars goes to.....
.......... On the Waterfront (1954)

Run Time: 108 mins
Genre: Drama, Crime, Romance
Format: Standard 4:3 Format, Black & White
Director: Elia Kazan
Starring: Marlon Brando, Eva Marie Saint, Lee J. Cobb, Karl Malden and Rod Steiger
IMDB.com Entry for the Film:
Wikipedia.org Article for the Film:
Wikipedia.org Article for Marlon Brando:
Wikipedia.org Article foe Eva Marie Saint:
Wikipedia.org Article for Karl Malden:
Wikipedia.org Article for Lee J. Cobb:
Wikipedia.org Article for Rod Steiger:
Find the link to Director Elia Kazan's Wikipedia.org Article from our Splendor in the Grass (1961) Post:
Trailer for the Film on YouTube:
Terry Malloy dreams about being a prize fighter, while tending his pigeons and running errands at the docks for Johnny Friendly, the corrupt boss of the dockers union. Terry witnesses a murder by two of Johnny's thugs, and later meets the dead man's sister and feels responsible for his death. She introduces him to Father Barry, who tries to force him to provide information for the courts that will smash the dock racketeers.
Here’s how dumb I am! For the last 40 years of my life I thought this was a boxing movie, because every time I saw a scene from this movie, it was of the famous, and well deserving scene containing this dialogue:
“I coulda had class. I coulda’ been a contender. I coulda’ been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, which is what I’ll always be.”
I really wanted to love this movie, because I felt I had to from all the hype I have heard over the years. I felt it was a pretty good film. Other than the “Contender” scene, brilliant as it was, I felt that Brando, also brilliant, was overshadowed by the exemplary acting of the supporting cast, especially Karl Malden, Rod Steiger and Eva Marie Saint. Every scene was its own little short story and they did keep my attention. - Phil
Marlon Brando Wins Best Actor: 1955 Oscars on YouTube:
When a co-worker saw I had the "On the Waterfront" DVD, he asked if I ever saw it. At the time, I hadn’t seen it yet. It was the last film on AFI’s Top 100 films that I never saw any part of. His reply, "It will rock your world." Big words to live up to. The film ultimately does…in so much as it provides classics scenes, moments, and dialogue that stand the test of time can engage the viewer’s mind, heart, and soul. Like most of the 1954 films in our list, it is a testament of its time - another film dealing with Union labor and Communism. Terry Malloy’s ultimate decision to name names … and the reaction of his peers (including kids in a gang he started)….mirrors the film’s director Elia Kazan’s own personal experience when he appeared before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1952 and named suspect Communists. The result was alienation from both his colleagues and admirers. Yet, Terry Malloy’s actions are portrayed in a heroic light. A cinematic wish fulfillment for Kazan, perhaps. Yet, this aspect of "On The Waterfront" is not the one that grabbed me by the collar and shook me. Nor was it the "contendah" speech, or even the innovative approach to the romance story.
What "rocked my world" was the presentation of Father Barry, a Catholic priest in the midst of the turmoil surrounding Terry Malloy…as I’m always interested when films intertwine religion with cinematic reality. Father Barry’s character arc is like a model rocket. You know it will reach for the heavens (and, ultimately, "come down to Earth"), but it needs a spark to light the fuse. When we first see him, he’s your typical priest… showing up for Last Rights, offering the rehearsed speech "If there’s anything I can do…" to Edie Doyle played by Eva Marie Saint (in light of my overall review, I hope you will share my appreciation for the irony of this actress’ name in the overall scheme of things…especially since this was her first picture).
Everything Father Barry is doing is good-natured and helpful. Yet, it’s Edie Doyle’s bold statement, "What kind of saint hides in a church?" that lights his fuse. This is a profound statement in that Christ walked and preached among the people, and oft criticized those that preached in the Temple. Likewise, many saints – following what they believe to be the Will of God – leave what’s comfortable and go into the world to do good…and suffer because of it. So, Father Barry takes some steps towards what will ultimately be the height of his ministry. He goes to the docks to see firsthand what is going on. He holds a meeting in his church. He convinces Dugan to give testimony that will put Johnny Friendly in court. He is moving deeper and deeper into trouble and away from the once secure sanctuary, now-violated church (the mob breaking the windows of his church and brawling on church grounds pretty much marks the point-of-no-return for Father Barry). All this leads up to my favorite part of the film, Father Barry’s speech (a homily, actually) in the bowels of one of the freighters when Dugan was killed. Here is his speech – minus the interruptions and catcalls of the mob and dockworkers. Also, keep in mind, during this speech – the mob is throwing bits of food at him, and a bottle that winds up cutting Father Barry and causing him to bleed… - Chris
Karl Malden On The Waterfront 1954 Clip on YouTube:
What is so amazing about this speech is that it symbolically covers many areas. First off, just like Edie provided the spark to bring Father Barry to his defining moment of this speech, Father Barry’s speech provided the spark to Terry Malloy and his ultimate mission…speak up and tell the truth. Father Barry not only does this in what he says, but in what he endures…insults and physical harm from more than one man. And he stands firm! What fighter wouldn’t appreciate that? This is what Terry Malloy can understand…and will ultimately undergo within a few scenes himself.
Also, as a priest, Father Barry represents Christ himself and this speech is much like the discourse of the Last Supper. Christ knew Judas Iscariot was going to betray him and calls him out during the Last Supper, instructing Judas to do what he has to do…for 30 pieces of silver. Here, Father Barry is calling someone…anyone…to step forward, and betray the mob, BECAUSE money is the problem. And, in doing so, Terry Malloy eventually becomes a Judas – betraying the people that gave him a false sense of status ("a lofty position", as Johnny Friendly called it) by telling the authorities who was responsible for Joey’s death. Ironically, Terry has already served as a Judas when he turned over Joey to the mob in the beginning of the film. Another sweet bit of Father Barry’s speech is his recognition that Christ is everywhere…"the shape-up, in the hatch, in the union hall…kneeling right here beside Dugan." Again, remember Edie’s statement about "saints hiding in a church." Another thing to consider is this, while Catholicism asks its followers to see Christ in everyone (and therefore, Christ CAN be everywhere), it also supports that certain saints - Saint Margaret Mary Alocoque, Saint Rose of Lima, Saint Veronica Giuliani, and Saint Gemma Galgani to name a few – saw Christ in the real world. And not just in chapels and churches, these saints shared that they saw Christ beside them and other people in the streets, at weddings, school dances and other places. Moreover, they saw the crucified Christ free of His cross, yet still wearing a crown of thorns, bearing puncture wounds and covered in blood. Scary stuff when you think about it. And, it’s obvious, that Father’s speech – containing this truth – is scary. A nice cinematic touch was causing Father Barry to bleed during his speech (when he was hit by a thrown bottle). Flash forward to the end of the picture when Terry gets into a brawl with Johnny Friendly and his thugs. The filmmakers have taken this Judas character and turned him into a Christ figure – a battered, bloody savior that must endure brutality for the cause, and free his fellow men from evil. And, that long, long walk into warehouse is Terry’s Way of the Cross – his steps towards salvation for everyone in the film (or so it seems). While there is plenty of more layers to be analyzed…I’m sure I've gone on long enough. In conclusion, the speech is the pinnacle of the film for me since in covers a lot of ground in the First Act and Final Act. And sheds light not only into what were Terry Malloy’s motives and intentions, but maybe Elia Kazan’s real-life intentions as well. - Chris
Elia Kazan Wins Best Director: 1955 Oscars on YouTube:
About 10 years ago, myself and a group of my friends, had a movie club and we explored the year 1954 based on the book "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" and On The Waterfront (1954), was one of those movies. Here are some of those responses to the film:
Ross Brakman:
What can one say about a film as famous as "On The Waterfront" that hasn't already been said? It's quite a melodrama, with stellar performances by everyone in the cast, notably the really odd looking (by my account, anyway) Marlon Brando. It's those freakish eyelids and Karl Malden's noses. Not that that has anything to do with the movie itself, they were just distracting. Another movie closely associated with the witch hunts of McCarthyism, what little I know about the film is that it was Kazan's intention to show what happens to a man when he follows his convictions when he feels he's doing right. Considering that Kazan helped destroy the careers of Hollywood types based on the suppositions that they were Communists and that, as Communists, they were destroying the ethos and mores of Americans, it's difficult to feel much sympathy for him. But it is very thought provoking, and excellently executed, despite that it's been parodied so prolifically it's almost difficult to disassociate it from all that followed. It's impressive too, to see Eva Marie Saint debut in this film, only to go on to other films including "North by Northwest." - Grade A
Eva Marie Saint Wins Supporting Actress: 1955 Oscars on YouTube:
Adam: Gastonguay:
I was initially afraid of this movie since it has such a lofty status in the film community. I honestly thought I might not get it. But boy, did I get it. I have never seen such fantastic acting from so many leads before. Sure, everyone talks about Brando, but Charlie, Father Barry. they were all fantastic. And it was also a nice surprise to see Eva Saint Marie in this....while she looked much more "natural" in this compared to North by Northwest, she was still beautiful and compelling. I'm sure someone will mention the "contender" scene, and yes, the whole taxi ride was fantastic. The naturalness of that tête-à-tête drew you in, it played much more like reality TV than a movie. But I thought there was a better scene in the movie, and that was Father Barry standing amidst broken bottles of whiskey, giving a sermon to a congregation that doesn't want to hear it. I loved it, simply loved it. - Grade A-
Rod Steiger talks about Marlon Brando & the taxi-scene from On the Waterfront (1954) on YouTube:
Russ Fama:
The Karl Malden "This Is My Church" speech is priceless. Worth the price of admission.. Amen. From the bowels of the shipyard to the roof top TV antennas the lighting is moody yet crisp. Definitely inspiration for "Rocky" & "The Sopranos". I enjoyed the non-stop scene after scene no frill approach to the editing. Every shot was a compositional classic suitable for framing. Charlie on the meat hook, two brothers who sold their souls in the back seat of a taxi, Father Karl Malden with tomato on his face, Dugan pilfering a bottle of scotch, etc... All in search of righteous redemption from the human condition... Was that Fred Gwyn & George Kennedy I saw lurking about? - Car 54 where are you? - Grade A
Jennifer Congleton:
Nobody likes a rat bastard, but did that kid really have to kill all of Marlon Brando’s pigeons? I like how this movie has a bleak tone that is emphasized by its abrasive characters. No one is happy in this movie. Karl Malden is awesome as the priest who is intense like the other characters, but offers some humor a few times throughout the movie. The ending is compelling and strong. - Grade: A
On the Waterfront Wins Best Picture: 1955 Oscars on YouTube:
Click the link below at GoWatchIt.com to see where you can stream or watch On the Waterfront (1954) online or on TV right now:
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For our next Film of the Day .....................
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